Customized Trash & Recycle Program Solutions
Nearly 90% of businesses overspend on trash disposal. And many struggle with compliance, training employees or tenants on proper waste handling, and maximizing recycling and composting.
Could your facility save time and resources by optimizing its trash & recycle program?
Synergis - Zero Waste Group offers solutions. We are a waste consulting firm, specializing in trash program management, waste cost reductions, and recycling, composting and zero waste programs for single occupant and multi-tenant facilities. With teams in New York and San Francisco, we optimize waste management programs for retail, commercial and industrial facilities across the U.S.

Our Services

Complete management of your facility’s garbage program. We review your existing program, implement improvement strategies, and provide ongoing management. Benefits include: Smoother running garbage program, less time spent on trash management, and compliance.

Complete analysis of your existing trash and recycle program fees and services to identify cost-saving measures. Benefits include: Reduced garbage fees and thousands of dollars in annual savings.

On-demand solutions for your facility’s trash program including audits, training, new recycle programs, compliance, and service & equipment recommendations. Benefits include: Compliance, increased recycling rate, and problem resolution.

Comprehensive plans to reduce waste sent to landfill, and verification of your waste diversion accomplishments. Benefits include: Road map to achieve Zero Waste, and third-party certification as a Zero Waste facility.
Project Types
Our Projects